
Saturn moon atlas
Saturn moon atlas

Winds can reach speeds over 1,100 miles per hour in Saturn’s upper atmosphere.Saturn’s atmosphere is primarily made up of hydrogen (96%) and helium (3%), the rest is trace elements.Imaging scientists had predicted the new moon's presence and its orbital distance from Saturn after last July's sighting of a set of peculiar spiky and wispy features in the Keeler gap's outer edge. Because Saturn is a gas giant, it’s virtually impossible for life to evolve as we know it. Atlas and other moons exist outside the main ring system, as do the two F ring shepherd moons, Prometheus and Pandora.Saturn’s moon Pandora was discovered by NASA’s Voyager 1 probe in 1980.

saturn moon atlas

Saturn’s moon Pan has the appearance and shape of a ravioli (pasta).Saturn’s moon Mimas is the smallest astronomical body (246 mile diameter) in our Solar System known to have a round shape because of its own gravity.Iapetus is the third largest moon of Saturn and the eleventh largest in our Solar System.Saturn’s moon Hyperion was the first moon discovered that wasn’t round.Saturn’s moon Atlas was named after the Greek mythology god Atlas because it “holds the rings on its shoulders” like the Titan Atlas held the sky up above the Earth.Titan is the largest moon that orbits Saturn.Saturn’s moon Enceladus is one of the most reflective objects in our Solar System.Saturn’s moon Dione is one of the four discovered by Giovanni Domenico Cassini.Saturn has 82 known moons (natural satellites).It takes Saturn 10,759 Earth days to complete an orbit around the sun.Saturn’s aphelion (farthest) distance to the Sun is 934 million miles.Saturn’s perihelion (closest) distance to the Sun is 839 million miles.The radius of the planet Saturn is 36,184 miles. Pan and Daphnis orbit within the A-rings Encke Gap and Keeler Gap, respectively, whereas Pandora and Prometheus orbit just outside the F-ring and Atlas just.Saturn is the second largest planet in our Solar System.Saturn is in the outer part of our Solar System. Atlas is an inner satellite of Saturn which was discovered by Richard Terrile in 1980 from Voyager photos and was designated S/1980 S 28.

saturn moon atlas

These images are the closest ever taken of Atlas and will help to characterize its shape and geology. The flyby had a close-approach distance of about 7,000 miles (11,000 kilometers).

saturn moon atlas

It has a distinctly lumpy, uneven appearance and a flat profile. These raw, unprocessed images of Saturns moon, Atlas, were taken on April 12, 2017, by NASAs Cassini spacecraft. The planet Saturn is the sixth closest planet to the Sun. It’s only about 19 miles across, which is just a fraction of our own moon’s 2,159 mile diameter.The planet Saturn was first observed via a telescope in 1610 by Galileo Galilei.The planet Saturn formed about 4.5 billion years ago.

Saturn moon atlas